With the summer temps here in Dallas over the last few weeks, I am doing all I can to keep my cool, both physically and stylistically speaking. With this being our last summer message in the series focused on knit fabrics, I would like to highlight a new quality that was thought of for precisely […]
Custom-Made Golfwear for Spring & Summer

Audio: Click to listen to Chief Creative Officer Simon Kneen and Director of Merchandising Dave Gates discussing the J.Hilburn Golf Collection I wish could say I loved golf, but alas, I never caught the bug despite my uncle’s efforts to teach me from an early age. He loved the sport so much and played most […]
New Knits Made For You

Over the last year, a lot of priorities have changed for people. The impact and scale of the global pandemic have changed almost everything for everyone, with new social behaviors, home-life, and work-life looking quite different from anything we were used to. Working from home has been the new daily norm for the majority, and […]