Happy Thanksgiving

I have learned to really love Thanksgiving as a holiday. Next year I would have lived in America for 20 years, and prior to moving here, I never understood the hype of Thanksgiving from an outsider’s point of view. Turkey is not on my top ten list of favorite foods, and the craziness of black Fridays, the day after Thanksgiving, has always puzzled me as to why retailers would go on sale in the run-up to the holidays. This practice always seemed entirely at odds with a good retail business – based on my experience.

At the core of Thanksgiving week is the Thanksgiving meal. This moment for me really marks what is at the heart of the Thanksgiving week. Sharing a delicious meal with loved ones and being in the moment is worth all the travel hassles and differences we may have at other times of the year. I ultimately always arrive at the Thanksgiving table reflective and, of course, grateful.

At J.Hilburn, we proudly do not participate in the post-thanksgiving hysteria based on hatchite discounts of unsold or overbought product inventory that the mass market and fast fashion brands are unfortunately known for inflicting on us all. Having been on the other side of the fence when I worked as Creative Director and Head of Design for big box retailers, conscious consumption was one of the reasons I was attracted to working with J.Hilburn and its much more sustainable business model within the fashion industry. I can safely say that my personal conscious is much more at ease, knowing that every garment we put into the world comes from a thoughtful and deliberate process of sourcing, manufacturing, and delivering.

Added to this, a J.Hilburn Client has the incredible opportunity to work closely with a Stylist to define his own fit, his preference, and his taste when building a J.Hilburn wardrobe. All of this makes us completely unique to the market, and hopefully, our Clients don’t feel the necessity to venture out to the over-crowded this weekend and participate in the chaos. They can properly digest the food consumed the day before, enjoy a comforting glass of wine perhaps, and browse through our latest offerings online while planning for some gifts or outfits for their holiday getaway to an island or a resort, all from the comfort of their own home.

For the last twelve years, American Express has successfully endeavored to promote the Saturday after Black Friday as Small Business Saturday to bring the focus to the smaller businesses that make up our thriving communities across America. We, too, at J.Hilburn, thank our Clients for all their support and acknowledge our community of Personal Stylists for the tenacious, entrepreneurial spirit they show throughout the year. 

I am very fortunate. I love what I do, and I’m grateful to be part of a brand that is paving the way for more conscious consumption through a unique way to make men feel great about how they look. Thank you for all your help as our business grows together and expands to fit every man in America.