This week Our HQ in Dallas is a beehive of activity as we prepare for our Annual Conference next week in Phoenix, Arizona. With travel for our teams and trucking out all our equipment needs, this week is really our deadline to finalize what has been a year of planning.
At the core of what we do every day is our Stylist Community and our custom-made product, dressing men in the best version of themselves. Today we cover 11 categories of menswear covering lifestyles that go from business, formal, off-the-clock casual wear, denim, and to even technical golf. Fifteen years ago, J.Hilburn was started with the simple idea of a custom-made shirt, and affectionately I always feel that the iconic white shirt is still at the heart of what we do.

The white shirt, in particular, has always been a menswear icon, and personally, there was a long period of time I was known for always and only wearing white shirts as my favorite designer uniform. It has always appealed to me somewhat of a fresh start every day in my wardrobe, like a blank canvas or a clean piece of paper. I always found ease in its comfort to move with me through sketching, fittings, meetings, and my everyday work as a designer, with sleeves rigorously rolled above my wrist and easily layered under a sportscoat when needed.
I have moved through every iteration of white shirts, from plain cloths, oxfords, and stretch cottons, to knits, linens, and non-iron, but always pure white. Don’t be fooled, by its apparent plainness as I consider the white shirt a true engineering marvel, complex and technical, with every stitch, buttonhole, and seam allowance all deliberated and arduously perfected. Like a blank canvas, any of the smallest imperfections will stand out glaringly; hence I believe it reflects the highest quality in its simple demeanor.

The white shirt remains an icon of menswear, symbolizing the heart of the wardrobe, and at J.Hilburn, not surprisingly, the white shirt has remained a constant best-seller since the company began 15 years ago. With our personalization, each white shirt can be built with as much or as little personality as the client wants, with options that range from collars to cuffs, from buttons to stitch color and a complimentary neck monogram as a symbol of dedication to each and every client.
Next Week as part of our conference in Arizona, we are all wearing a white shirt on a dedicated day as a symbol of our beginnings 15 years ago and today, molding our future for the next era of J.Hilburn. This beloved garment is still at the center of what we do, and we continue to dedicate everything we do to make men look and feel great about their clothes.