Each year around this time, I realize that a lot of people I know have a love-hate relationship with the Holidays. We feel like we have just finished summer and enjoyed the first chill days of fall, and suddenly, it is Thanksgiving, and we are trying to quickly get ourselves organized before the end of […]
Blurring the Lines

Okay, so I admit I am not an avid consumer of sports. As a child, my school obligated me to play Soccer three times a week, under every season of British weather, and on certain winter days, it felt like torture, so you can’t really blame me for never liking the game. Luckily, I […]
Swing into Style

Golf has become a pretty stylish game, and I am reminded of the wool tartan pants, the heavy golf shoes, and argyle sweaters that my uncle used to wear back in the seventies – kind of a Bob Hope in technicolor. With a whole new generation of players in an era where performance fabrics are […]