The Menswear Calendar

Menswear, unlike womenswear, is less susceptible to seasonal “trends” or shifts that can happen in the blink of an eye in womenswear. Short, long, print, solid, big geos, ditzy flowers can all be here and gone, over before they began in the women’s fashion sector. Fast Fashion has adopted this to the extreme, building capsules […]

Shh, Quiet Please

Scrolling through my Instagram feed on Monday, a post from BOF (Business of Fashion) caught my eye, referencing the HBO series Succession, of which I am a fan. For those of you who don’t watch the series, it follows the ins and outs of a mega-wealthy family positioning for power within their business empire. It’s […]

Think Pink

Pink in menswear is not something new; in fact, it has been around since the 16th century when the color was associated with power and wealth due to the rarity of the cochineal dye from Mexico. It is only recently that retail has associated it with baby wear and become a color representing more feminine […]


It’s great to see the social calendar back on track, with spring break, graduations, the Derby, and easter all giving me vibes of sunshine and happy days of warmer weather. There is nothing more exciting than having a big celebration or a wedding on a family calendar for the upcoming season, and the idea of […]

Gifts for Every Man

To think that thanksgiving is already next week is quite shocking. Where did Fall go? Living in Texas, Fall is much slower, later, and almost unnoticeable, with very few trees changing color. I have learned to rely on neighborhood lawns turning wintery brown towards the end of November to indicate the arrival of cooler and […]